The PRIN 2022 project Fluidity in family structures: international and EU law challenges on parentage matters (prot. n. 2022FR5NNJ) intends to address, from the perspective of international and EU Law, the social, scientific, and technological evolutions, together with increased international mobility, globalization and cultural interconnections which are reshaping the traditional foundations and perceptions of family law and of parenthood.
Parenthood in a cross-border scenario poses several legal issues. With regard to the growing possibilities to create a family and establish parenthood, Italian law is perceived as restrictive and is experiencing “out-going legal tourism”. Persons, once obtained the expected results come back and ask for recognition of the status. Particularly tense is the dialectic between party autonomy and States public policies. The purposes of public policies in this field were “to give a family to a child”. Today, the perspective has changed: social and scientific developments make it possible “to give a child to new families”. In the absence of a uniform legal framework, States follow different approaches when facing restrictions in acceding mechanism granting the establishment of parenthood.
The current state of the art raises the need to investigate the legal issues concerning parenthood in the open society and, in particular, the problems of recognition of parenthood established abroad which mainly affect the Italian legal order.
Start and end date of the project: 1st October 2023 - 30th September 2025
PIANO NAZIONALE DI RIPRESA E RESILIENZA (PNRR) MISSIONE 4 COMPONENTE 2 INVESTIMENTO 1.1. - “Fondo per il Programma Nazionale di Ricerca e Progetti di Rilevante interesse Nazionale (PRIN) Avviso DD 104 del 02.02.2022” - Codice Progetto: 2022FR5NNJ - Titolo: “Fluidity in family structures: international and EU law challenges on parentage matters” - CUP: D53D23007210006 – Responsabile Prof.ssa Ilaria Queirolo